
Help Save Lives, Don’t Text & Drive!

Texting and driving is a big problem affecting us today. The biggest group this problem is affecting are teenagers and people in their early twenties. The main reason for this is that people of this age have grown up with this technology, and it has become almost second nature for them. Unfortunately, this technology can be dangerous when it is not handled correctly, especially while in a car or on the road.

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 One of the leading causes for accidents today is texting and driving. Often, people driving do not realize how great of a danger that texting and driving causes. Texting and driving not only causes you to take your eyes and ultimately your full attention off the road. This could be because of any emotions that the text you are reading or sending might cause, or just because you get too wrapped up in the message and do not even realize that you are not focusing on the reality in front of you. Texting and driving is regularly compared to an elderly person driving, because your reaction times slows down significantly.

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Needless to say, texting and driving is something that most people should hope to see on the decline in the coming years. New technologies are coming out every day in an effort to stop texting and driving from even occurring. Different apps put your phone in a driving mode that prevents you from receiving text messages, and automatically replies to them with a message saying that you are driving. Other technologies allow you to talk on the phone through a speaker phone by connecting your phone through Bluetooth to your car, and in a similar way, allow you to talk out your text messages and read them aloud, so your eyes are not taken off the road. Lastly, there is a text-free driving pledge that all teens and parents are encouraged to sign in attempt to eliminate the distraction to new drivers.

It has become increasingly clear that texting and driving is a serious problem. As long as text-free driving initiatives  and innovative technology to minimize this distraction continue, we should finally experience a reduction in texting and driving among teens and young adults.