The Road Ahead is Green
Joseph McCormick Construction works hard to reduce the impact of our industry on the environment.
Joseph McCormick Construction continues to lead the Erie area in green roadway construction technology by providing innovative services that can help our environment. Some of these technologies can translate to Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) credits for your facility or project.

- Recycling is a major factor in sustainability. For years Joseph McCormick Construction has used Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in our mix designs for both public and private paving projects. By using RAP, we reduce the demand for virgin aggregates and asphalt cement needed to manufacture new hot mix asphalt. On average, Joseph McCormick Construction recycles over 15,000 tons of RAP annually.
- Joseph McCormick Construction also manufactures hot mix asphalt using recycled fuel oil to fire the plant to dry and heat the aggregates. Waste oil is also used to heat our shops during the colder months.
- Joseph McCormick Construction also produces “warm mix asphalt pavement” (Warm-mix). Warm-mix asphalt is the generic term for a variety of technologies that allow the producers of hot-mix asphalt pavement material to lower the temperatures at which the material is mixed and placed on the road. The lower temperature results in less fuel used in the heating process and a reduction in emissions. Warm-mix asphalt has the same compaction rate and density as the hot-mix asphalt, and construction crews use the same road-building equipment.