
Benefits of Warm Mix Asphalt Paving

 2013 NOVA Award Winner-  Warm Mix Technology:

Warm mix asphalt technology has been introduced to provide a more sustainable alternative to conventional hot mix. Hot mix is produced in temperatures above 300°F while warm mix was designed to be up to 75°F lower than the traditional mix. Warm mix is not only intended to create a more sustainable earth, but also to provide direct benefits to the asphalt companies.

  1. Less energy exerted- Reduced temperatures exert less energy in the form of burning fuels.
  2. Fuel saving and emission reduction- Reduced mixture temperatures decrease emissions from fuels and fumes at both the plant and paving site. Asphalt companies will also experience 30-35% savings in fuel consumption.
  3. Superior performance- Asphalt paving mixtures can be hauled further distances providing better performance at cooler temperatures
  4. Paving in colder months- In cooler weather, warm mix cools more slowly giving workers more flexibility and time to work with asphalt. This allows paving to occur in cooler months, providing a longer work period and more time for additional jobs.
  5. Uniform density- Lower viscosity of warm mix asphalt makes it easier to manipulate and compact, helping to achieve a more uniform density in pavements.
  6. Most sustainable paving option- Due to reclaimed asphalt, recycled asphalt shingles and other reusable materials can be used in combination with warm mix. Therefore, warm mix asphalt paving is truly the most sustainable paving option

To learn more about warm-mix and other green roadway construction technology please visit the Road Ahead is Green section of our website (https://www.jmccormickconstruction.com/the-road-ahead-is-green)